Category: Coding


make fcitx work in sublime-text-3

PrefaceRecently I began to use sublime and I found that fcitx couldn’t work in sublime. This is quite weird. After searching online for a while, I found a solution which could solve the problem in a “



IntroductionGoldenDict is an excellent dictionary management software. It can handle most dictionary formats, some of these dictionaries contain audios and/or images. This addon can import the images


ImageResizer, an anki addon to resize images

IntroductionImageResizer is a simple anki addon used to resize the image stored in the clipboard. So images that are too big or too small to be used in reviewing are not a problem any more. Before res


backup script

Recently I made a backup script with python2.7, and it worked fine by now. So I think it might be a good idea to share it here. Install megaFuseThe first thing you need to do is to install megaFuse In


auto save in vim

I’d been using vim-auto-save for a long time, but I also found that it often messed up with my buffer order because it used silent wa to save all buffers. And sometimes undo didn’t work, I suspected t


map Ctrl-V as Ctrl-Q in vim

If you want to map Ctrl-V as Ctrl-Q, you can add the following line in your .vimrc file 1nnoremap <C-V> <C-Q> It works in gvim, but it wouldn’t work in terminal-vim. Why? I’d been confused


Fix The Font Rendering Problem On Pycharm

Almost all the java desktop apps running on PC/Mac have a common problem: font rendering. The font rendering in pycharm was so crappy that I couldn’t live with it any more. So I began to search for a


Specify Port For Hexo Git Deployment

Usually if you want to deploy your hexo posts with git, you can add the following lines to your _config.yml file: 1234567# Deployment## Docs: type: git rep