Ubuntu crashes when entering or exiting fullscreen while watching youtube videos


After I installed ubuntu 15.10, something weird happened from time to time. Ubuntu often crashed when I entered or exited fullscreen mode while watching youtube videos. Sometimes I could get away with it by punching the Super button to bring up another app, in which I could run some commands to terminate google-chrome. Or I could jumped to tty1 to pkill chrome or sudo pkill Xorg. But sometimes nothing worked. And the most important thing is, it’s extremely annoying, so I decided to solve the problem.


After searching for the solution online for a while, I found an answer, it’s pretty simple, just disable hardware accelerator in chrome, as followed.


I haven’t encountered the crash phenomenon since I disabled hardware accelerator. So I guess it worked. Whether it’s a bug of google-chrome or ubuntu, I don’t know. But now I can safely enter or exit fullscreen mode without worrying a crash might happen. Hooray!
