Archive: 2016/10


beautify i3wm

MotivationI enjoy using i3wm, big time. You can switch to different windows/apps conveniently with it. The only problem to me is that it’s not beautiful enough, and it’s ridiculously small in my high-


The empty set is the subset of any set

The empty set is the subset of any set. This is true. Some people take it as a convention, but in fact, it can be explained. According to the definition of $\subset$, $\varnothing\subset A\Leftrighta


Understand poisson distribution

IntroductionPoisson distribution can be derived from Binomial distribution when $\lim\limits_{n\to\infty}np = \lambda(\lambda\in\mathbb R)$, in which $n$ is the number of trials, $p$ is the probabilit


Let hexo support mathjax

UpdateThe original answer fails on some mathjax expressions. So don’t use it. Currently changing marked.js works for me. Just use the method below. It works for me. First introduce mathjax into our bl