Category: Coding


Something About Dnsmasq On Ubuntu 15.10

PrefaceThere are something confusing about dnsmasq on ubuntu 15.10. I would like to write them down here, in case I might forget down the road. How Dnsmasq Starts On Ubuntu 15.10You can find the answe


get selected text in chrome

EDITThe method mentioned here is overcomplicated. To see a simple method, please refer to my answer at prefaceI want to get the selected text in chrome. After hours of searching and


Batch Insert Into MySQL With Python

In Python, you can use MySQLdb‘s executemany to insert multiple records into MySQL at once. First, let’s install MySQLdb. The command used to install it depends on your OS: easy_install mysql-python


Configure Win7 Support For UTC

I have a virtual machine installed on ubuntu, the virtual machine contains an operation system of Win7. Win7 uses localtime, but ubuntu uses UTC, so the time they display is different. To fix this, I


set up a git server to deploy with hexo

PrefaceI used rsync to deploy my website for the past few days, but it seemed that there were some bugs with hexo rsync deployment, I could only use rsync by running rsync -a localfiles username@serve


enlarge the size of a vdi of virtualbox

I’m more accustomed to Linux compared with Windows, but some apps are not accessible in Linux, e.g. QQ. And sometimes I have to use Visual Studio, which is a cumbersome, slow developing tool. I don’t