my new goals and my new life
I feel pretty bad recently, and it occurred to me that what made me feel bad was not the world, it was me, myself. I have to do something to fill my brain with energy, so I add a new task today, to pr
I feel pretty bad recently, and it occurred to me that what made me feel bad was not the world, it was me, myself. I have to do something to fill my brain with energy, so I add a new task today, to pr
Today I was in a pretty bad mood, but I still finished my tasks. Because I know, whether I’m in a good or bad mood, I have to live any way. And if I do nothing, things would become worse. In fact, if
OK, I still didn’t go jogging today, I just don’t feel like it, but I finished other tasks, reading the book, adding new words etc. Though I know jogging is good for my health, both mentally and physi
I watched alien 3 today, It was not as bad as I thought. Though it cannot beat alien 2, I still consider it a good film. Somehow I got bored with adding new words to anki, which prevented me from enjo
I watched Alien 2 today, this is an excellent film, and I think it’s better than Alien 1. So I was even a little surprised when I noticed the score of Alien 2 was less than that of Alien 1 on douban a
It’s already late, more than 2:00, and I haven’t gotten on bed. I changed my blog theme to hueman, which was more friendly to English text. I also installed wordpress, which seemed useless. Before tha
Today I added a new daily-recursive task to my taskwarrior list: Read 5% of the book in my kindle So right now I’ve four tasks I need to finish every day. Read 5% of the book in my kindle Run for at
前一阵子看了一本书:时间的陷阱。这本书说,时间实际上是人类的一种幻觉。有了时间,人类才有了记忆,因而也就产生了诸多痛苦。因此作者建议用各种方式摆脱时间的束缚,开启生命真正的智慧。 说实话,这本书的大部分内容我都没有看懂,太抽象了,书本中的大部分内容都与佛教的教义有相同之处。但是在看这本书的时候,我想
最近看了电视连续剧“开端”,它讲了两个年轻人拯救一辆即将爆炸的公交车的故事。 剧透警告!!! 这两个年轻人一开始并不知道公交车要爆炸,他们只是普通的乘客,但是爆炸之后他们立刻回到了几分钟前公交车还没有爆炸的时候,依据之前的经验,他们此时是知道公交车是会爆炸的,这时他们就可以采取各种措施来防止公交车爆
最近在看一本书:How to Teach Philosophy to Your Dog,这本书描述了作者与他的狗之间关于哲学问题的一系列对话,当然这个对话肯定是假的,不要说狗了,大部分的人都不会对哲学感兴趣,这只不过是一种解释问题的方式。 书的前面在讲“道德”。有些读者可能会感觉奇怪,“道德”有什么
现今的科学体系认为,人是没有灵魂的,人的自由意识就是大脑给出的假象,在人寿终正寝的那一刻,这些假象都会随着大脑的消亡会灰飞烟灭。这个世界没有天堂,也没有地狱,我们只有一个世界,那就是我们现在所处的这个世界。 我经常会想,如果事实不是这样的会怎么样?我们会不会就像佛教中所说的,一直在轮回,也许我这一辈
今天又开始写博客了,上一次写博客还是 1 年半前,后面在很长的一段时间里,我都是热衷于记笔记,曾经一度觉得记笔记才是最好的学习方式,然而笔记确实有它的局限性,因为笔记是写给自己看的,这跟写给别人看的博客还是两码事,很多时候,把一件东西解释给自己听,和把一件东西解释给别人听是两种不太一样的技能,我需要
I’m a software engineer. I like coding, music and hiking in my spare time.
I’m been knowing a girl for about a year, all of our communications are only kept online, until I invited her to have a dinner. Well, actually I’ve be
I haven’t updated this blog for a really long time. Part of the reason is that I’ve been worried about my lower-back pain recently, I tried not to sit
I met that girl tonight while I was still coughing constantly, because I was having a cold. So I didn’t do a good job talking with her. But it was not