

An Illustration of Various Encoding Schemes

What are encoding schemes?Encoding schemes are ways to store and retrieve characters in computers. For example, in ISO-8859-1(which is one of various encoding schemes), we use 01100001 to denote a, an


Serialization and Deserialization in Java

IntroductionSerialization: a process which converts a Java instance into a bunch of bytes, so it can be stored in disk/database or transferred through network. Deserialization: the opposite of Seriali


the machanism of garbage collectors in Java

There are several garbage collectors in Java, each has its specific usage scenario. To understand garbage collection, we first have to understand how heaps are divided in Java. Heaps are divided into


Inheritance in Javascript

Javascript uses prototype chains to make inheritance work, that’s a little odd given that other OOP languages usually use class and extend. So to fully understand inheritance in javascript, we first h


Where to go

I haven’t written my blog for a long time, partly it’s due to my sheer laziness, partly because I gathered nobody would even find it, let alone read it. But anyway, I decided to write something tonigh


Hadoop Internals -- Configuration

IntroductionAs what is called, Configuration is used to store all kinds of configurations in the hadoop platform, either they are from files(like core-default.xml) or from users(set via conf.setInt(&q


I arrived in Hangzhou yesterday

I arrived in Hangzhou yesterday, and I could feel that the amounts of dopamine released in my brain fluctuated from time to time. At first I felt really happy, I was not sure why. Then I felt sort of


change openwrt source to UTSC

The following steps only apply to Netgear 4300 and openwrt 15.05.1. Modify /etc/opkg.conf to the following lines. 1234567891011dest root /dest ram /tmplists_dir ext /var/opkg-listsoption overlay_root


Install fcitx on ubuntu 16.10

Run the following command. 1sudo apt-get install fcitx fcitx-table fcitx-googlepinyin fcitx-module-cloudpinyin Search for language support, and check Keyboard input method system is fcitx Reboot. Go t