Tag: linux


Some Linux Commands

:-Take ${val1:-val2} for example, if val1 is unset or null, return val2, otherwise return val1. Example: 123456#!/bin/bashdefault="default"preset="preset"value="This is ${preset:-"$default"}


Install fcitx on ubuntu 16.10

Run the following command. 1sudo apt-get install fcitx fcitx-table fcitx-googlepinyin fcitx-module-cloudpinyin Search for language support, and check Keyboard input method system is fcitx Reboot. Go t


Super CapsLock On Ubuntu 16.10

On ubuntu 16.10, make CapsLock act as Esc when it is hit, and as Ctrl when it is held. To make it work, modify /etc/default/keyboard, change 1XKBOPTIONS="" to 1XKBOPTIONS="caps:ctrl_mod


beautify i3wm

MotivationI enjoy using i3wm, big time. You can switch to different windows/apps conveniently with it. The only problem to me is that it’s not beautiful enough, and it’s ridiculously small in my high-


install flash plugin in firefox on arch linux

First, install flashplugin. 1sudo pacman -S flashplugin Then if you launch firefox, you will find out that there’s no sound when playing flash in it. Launch it from the terminal, you will find out the


connect to wifi via commandline on arch

I just spent hours connecting to the wireless network on archlinux today. Finally I resorted to various tools in commandline. Here’s how I do it. Make sure you run the following commands as root to av


learn redirection the hard way

It’s been a long time since the last time I wrote the blog, because I’m not a fan of writing blogs. But today I solved a problem with hours’ digging and trying, so I think it might be a good idea to s


make fcitx work in sublime-text-3

PrefaceRecently I began to use sublime and I found that fcitx couldn’t work in sublime. This is quite weird. After searching online for a while, I found a solution which could solve the problem in a “