new task

Today I added a new daily-recursive task to my taskwarrior list:

Read 5% of the book in my kindle

So right now I’ve four tasks I need to finish every day.

  1. Read 5% of the book in my kindle
  2. Run for at least 4 kilometers
  3. Play the guitar for at least 30 minutes
  4. Add 20 new cards to anki

I also need to review cards in anki every day. So there are a lot to be done here, but I need to finish all of them, I need my life to be fulfilling.

Let’s get back to the beginning. I said I needed to read a book every day, the book is called “The catcher in the rye”. It is in English, that’s why I’m reading it so slowly. A pretty famous book, I’ve already finished more than 20% of it, but I still have no clue why this book is so wide-spreading. It’s about a young man’s life, something would probably happen in one’s adolescence. Maybe this is way too far from me, after all I’m no longer a child any more. But I’m still determined to finish the book, because I dropped a lot of plans in the past, on account of the so-called meaninglessness of it. So I could barely finish anything in the past. I won’t do it again. A promise is a promise. Once I start a plan, I should never drop it unless I think it’s totally useless.

