Category: Coding


Right associativity in Scala

We define two methods here, ++ and ++: 1234567891011class Foo { def ++(n: Int): Unit = println(n + 1) def ++:(n: Int): Unit = println(n + 1)}object ValFunctionTest { def main(args: A


Some Linux Commands

:-Take ${val1:-val2} for example, if val1 is unset or null, return val2, otherwise return val1. Example: 123456#!/bin/bashdefault="default"preset="preset"value="This is ${preset:-"$default"}


newInstance in Java

IntroductionnewInstance is used to instantiate an instance of a class dynamically. Here is an example written in Scala. 1234567891011class Printer() { def print(): Unit = { println(s"pri


When and how to use InheritableThreadLocal

Today I was reading Spark’s source code, and found InheritableThreadLocal in it. Little information could be found online about this class, so I decided to write a blog to illustrate how to use it, ba


The difference between wait and sleep

wait and sleep can both be used to put a thread into sleep and wait for a while. So what’s the difference? To find it out, we need to figure out how to use them first. WaitTo use wait, you have to put


Leetcode: Combination Sum II

ProblemGiven a collection of candidate numbers (C) and a target number (T), find all unique combinations in C where the candidate numbers sums to T. Each number in C may only be used once in the combi